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Our services
Policy into Practice: from Academia to Influence
A 5 part course including:
One full day training covering the UK political and decision-making system, introduction to writing policy and communicating with decision makers, and practical skills lab.
One half day training session covering the next steps in the policy influencing journey and practicing developing a personal next step plan and mapping stakeholders.
A 1:1 one-hour virtual mentoring session to develop the researcher skills and the quality of output content.
Introduction to Parliament and Policy Influencing for international researchers
One-day training course
One full day training session covering the same content as our original one-day course but with adaptation for international researchers who are unfamiliar with the British policy system. This will include rebalancing content within the day to expand the knowledge section delivery and covering aspects of the culture of British parliament such as the de facto role of an MP. It will address the range of influencing mechanisms and the expectations parliamentarians have of researchers. Any additional challenges relating to communicating effectively in an additional language will also be addressed.
Introduction to Parliament and Policy Influencing
One-day training course
Covers the basic knowledge, understanding and skills awareness for a researcher to begin policy influencing such as:
The purpose of policy influencing and the role of evidence-based policy making in the UK system
How political decision-makers really make decisions
Writing and readability when communicating with decision makers
Skills development – producing a policy brief
Developing and delivering your elevator pitch
What do decision-makers want from academic researchers within a variety of contexts (e.g. consultations, inquiry evidence, working groups, think tanks)
Bespoke Training
We recognise all institutions and all academics have varying experiences and might require different types of support in their policy influencing journey. Your staff might have the policy writing aspects all figured out and need more help learning about the inner workings of the decision making process and how to identify and engage stakeholders, or maybe you’re not seeing the results you’d wish for and are looking for a new perspective.
Get in touch with us and see how we can help!